Online Learning Resources

Academic Integrity word cloud

Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Both students and instructors are expected to obey rules of honest scholarship.

Academic misconduct--cheating--is not just "against the rules." It violates the assumptions at the heart of all learning. It destroys the mutual trust and respect that should exist between student and professor. It is unfair to students who earn their grades honestly.

Upholding academic integrity means:

  • Developing and conveying your own ideas in course work;
  • Identifying all sources of information;
  • Acknowledging collaboration when assignments aren't completed independently;
  • Accurately reporting results when conducting your own research or with respect to labs;
  • Honesty during quizzes and exams.

For more information please visit our academic policies web page [link to your college's academic honesty policies web page]


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