FINAL: SWOT Analysis
- Due Aug 18, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
- Available Aug 11, 2021 at 12am - Aug 18, 2021 at 11:59pm
Congratulations! You made it to the end of the semester! The final for this course will consist of 2 separate things. The first is to complete a SWOT analysis and the second is to create a video to go along with it.
1. SWOT Analysis- There is a link on the next page full of information if you haven't ever seen or done a SWOT analysis for a company. You are going to complete this SWOT analysis by analyzing the data you collected last half and the information you learned in this course. You will then create this diagram based on your views of your company. Along with the diagram you will need to write a minimum of a half a page, maximum of a full page explanation of the diagram. This information is only for you to know and for me to see. If you feel it would be beneficial to share with your company then that would be wonderful as well.
2. Video of Outcomes- After the SWOT analysis is complete you will record yourself using the canvas studio feature and answer the following questions:
- Your definition of Operation Management
- Explain your SWOT analysis
- Identify the top two areas or aspects that your company is doing well.
- Identify/elaborate on the top two areas of improvement for your organization and how you think they could be improved
- If you were to inherit this organization today as is, what would be your first course of action to bring improvement
For this video you will record yourself answering the above questions. This will include video and audio. The video should be anywhere from 5-10 minutes long. Please feel free to add any information that you believe to be important as well.
Please email me with any questions or concern you may have! Good luck!!