ASSIGNMENT: Enneagram Test
- Due Dec 16, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a file upload
- Available until Dec 16, 2021 at 11:59pm
Follow the link below and then click on the "Classical Enneagram Test" section button. Links to an external site.
Please make sure to take a screen shot of your results and write down your type and your wings when you are complete.
Once the test is completed please answer the following questions:
- What type are you (Name and number)?
- What is your wing(s) (Name and number)?
- Do you believe that this is a true fit for you?
- How can knowing this personality information benefit you in the business world?
Once complete, save the file as a MS Word document as assignment name.your name (Example: Ennegram Test.Adney). Then upload this document to Canvas. This assignment is worth 50 points. For full credit please make sure that each question is answered and that each answer is thorough and supported. Simple “Yes” and “No” answers will not be accepted.
Ennegram Test Results Document Download Ennegram Test Results Document
Please enter your answers in the document using the link above. Let me know if you have any questions.