Video: Get to Know Mindtap
Some chapter readings and assignments may take you outside of the Canvas learning management system to Mindtap. Mindtap is the interactive textbook site for Cengage Learning. When you click a textbook or activity link in Canvas, Mindtap opens a new tab on your computer. It can take some practice to learn how to move between Canvas and MindTap, so give yourself some time to become familiar with the navigation of both sites. MindTap may open several new tabs while you are completing various readings and exercises. You can close those tabs without losing your place in Canvas. When you return to Canvas, you may need to hit the back arrow on your browser to return to your starting point. You can always click Modules to return to your course. Please make sure that you have allowed "pop ups" in your chrome browser for MindTap to be able to work. MindTap also works best in Google Chrome.
Mindtap textbooks have many convenient features that can help you make the most of your digital resources. Please watch the video below for a demonstration of some of these features. Remember that you can click on the square at the bottom right of the video window to enlarge to full screen, or you can click the "How to Use Your Mindtap Textbook" link if you'd like to see the video in full resolution on the YouTube site.