Being Successful in this Course-2

"Oh, I can do that later. . ."

I want you to be successful in this course. Each week you will have readings, discussion boards, and online assignments to complete. There is a temptation to think in-person activities are more urgent than your online work. The problem is, then your online assignments pile up and you fall behind. Follow the weekly schedule and stay on top of your assignments.

I recommend that you log in at least three times per week to complete your work.  Use the Canvas Calendar and create alerts in your phone or on your computer for lesson due dates or anything else you think you might forget! Set up your Notifications in Canvas Links to an external site. as well. (You can receive notifications via text Links to an external site..)

I'm sure you understand that it is your responsibility to get to a computer to complete your work on time.  Go to school, your local library, or a friend’s house if your computer crashes or your Internet goes down.  Please do not contact me for extra time on assignments.  You have options so I strongly urge you not to wait until the last minute to do your work.

Course Syllabus

The course syllabus contains important information about class procedures, due dates, grading policies, etc. It's a guideline for what you can expect of me and what I expect of you throughout the term.

Student Activities:

In order to achieve the student learning outcomes you will be evaluated through the following assignments:

  • Discussion Forums: To make sure students engage each other over the material, each student will be graded on discussion forums dispersed throughout this course worth points.  These posts must be professional, meaningful and incorporate specific examples from the text or Learning Modules. 
  • Research Papers: Students will prepare 3 academic quality papers.  
  • Reading Assignments: In order to understand what psychologists do (interpret, evaluate and educate), students must complete reading assignments from our textbook.  
  • Video Responses: Sort of a middle ground between the peer focused discussions and the formality of the Papers.  

Time Commitment

The time to complete each module may vary from week to week. If you want to get the most out of the materials presented and earn the best grade you can, you should plan to spend at least 7-8 hours on the reading and assignments each week.

Contacting Me

I value an interactive and personal learning environment and I want to make sure you know that you're not alone in the course. Please contact me with questions, concerns or just to dig deeper into that week's material.

I set aside 40 hours each week to be available to you if you need me. Check the syllabus for specific days and times.

Canvas Mail

inbox iconIf I need to get a hold of you this semester, I'll contact you through Canvas mail.  You can access this feature by clicking "Inbox"  in the left-hand global navigation bar.

I respond to email within a business day, Monday through Friday. For example, an email Friday afternoon will be responded to no later than Monday morning or within the cycle of a full business day. I have my email on my phone, so frequently you'll get a response within minutes.