
Find Rubric
Then & Now 9.3
Then & Now 9.3
Criteria Ratings Pts
Student Addresses Questions Asked
threshold: pts
9 to >7.5 pts
Answer is articulated clearly & completely; student uses relevant information from the reading to support answer.
7.5 to >6.0 pts
Student’s answer is fairly clear and complete, but some points may need clarification or more support.
6 to >4.5 pts
Student’s answer: • addresses the question, but faulty logic is used • misses the point of the question • is unclear, and/or • incomplete.
4.5 to >0.0 pts
Student’s answer is unclear. Little connection is made between the student’s answer and the question asked.
0 pts
No Marks
Student fails to address the question.
9 pts
Spelling, Grammar, Syntax, & Flow
threshold: pts
3 pts
Full Marks
Student makes few or no spelling, grammatical and/or syntactical errors. Prose flows well.
1.5 pts
Student makes a few spelling, grammatical and/or syntactical errors but meaning is clear. Flow may have minor issues.
0 pts
No Marks
Paper is difficult to read due to spelling, grammatical, syntactical errors, and/or flow of prose is very poor/awkward.
3 pts
APA Style
threshold: pts
3 pts
Full Marks
All aspects of APA style are correct.
1.5 pts
Several APA style rules are violated/neglected.
0 pts
No Marks
Most APA style rules are violated/neglected.
3 pts
Total Points: 15 out of 15