Interview Project Overview

The objective of this assignment is that you will make a connection new or current to someone in your current field of study. Then you will interview this person to learn about ethics, morals, and situations that happen in your field. If you don't know someone in your field of study, please contact me.

Please make sure to read the instructions thoroughly.

This is a two-part assignment. At the beginning of the semester, you will need to find someone to interview. By midterm, you will submit the "Part 1 of the Interview Project—Interview Questionnaire”. "Part 2 of the Interview Project—Student Questions" will be due at the end of the semester. You will take the information that was gained from the interview and use it to answer the student questions.

Please email with any questions or concerns you may have with this assignment.


Ms. Hicks

Important Dates Associated with the Interview Project Assignment

      • Friday, July 22 -- Last Day to Ask for Help Finding Someone to Interview
      • Wednesday, July 27 -- Submit the Name of the Person You Interviewed or Plan to Interview
      • Saturday, August 6 -- Submit Part 1 of the Interview Project -- Interview Questionnaire
      • Wednesday, August 17 -- Submit Part 2 of the Interview project -- Student Questions