
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 1 student has already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluation.
Then and Now 3.2
Then and Now 3.2
Criteria Ratings Pts
Student Addresses Questions Asked
o The student should describe an example from his/her own experience that is representative of the social learning of eating.
o The response must also address “how the learner was influenced by the way in which the mode (i.e. person(s) whom the learner observed) was somehow similar to the learner.
threshold: pts
8 pts
Answer is articulated clearly & completely; student uses relevant information from the reading to support answer.
6.4 pts
Student’s answer is fairly clear and complete, but some points may need clarification or more support.
4.8 pts
Student’s answer: • addresses the question, but faulty logic is used • misses the point of the question • is unclear, and/or • incomplete.
3.2 pts
Student’s answer is unclear. Little connection is made between the student’s answer and the question asked.
0 pts
No Marks
Student fails to address the question.
8 pts
Spelling, Grammar, Syntax, & Flow
threshold: pts
3 pts
Full Marks
Student makes few or no spelling, grammatical and/or syntactical errors. Prose flows well.
2 pts
Student makes a few spelling, grammatical and/or syntactical errors but meaning is clear. Flow may have minor issues.
1 pts
Student makes several spelling, grammatical and/or syntactical errors but meaning is clear; and/or flow of prose is somewhat poor/awkward.
0 pts
No Marks
Paper is difficult to read due to spelling, grammatical, syntactical errors, and/or flow of prose is very poor/awkward.
3 pts
APA Style
o Body of text with proper citations
o Reference page
o Student must include at least 1 reliable scientific source.
threshold: pts
3 pts
Full Marks
All aspects of APA style are correct.
2 pts
One or 2 APA style rules are violated/neglected.
1 pts
Several APA style rules are violated/neglected.
0 pts
No Marks
Most APA style rules are violated/neglected.
3 pts
Total Points: 14 out of 14