Read Unit 3 in the Then and Now text before starting this assignment.
The article by Shutts, Kinzler, and DeJesus reviews several studies that show how social learning is involved in the way humans learn to choose the food they eat. Describe an example from your own experience that is representative of the social learning of eating. The example can involve yourself, other family members, or friends and acquaintances of any age. Be sure to include how the learner was influenced by the way in which the model (i.e., the person(s) whom the learner observed) was somehow similar to the learner.
Enter your response below (suggested length: 150 words). You should cite at least one source and include that source(s) at the end of your answer in a reference list. Use APA style for your in-text citations and the reference list. You may cite the target articles described in either chapter, other articles cited in those chapters, or outside sources such as textbooks.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent Addresses Questions Asked_7338
o The student should describe an example from his/her own experience that is representative of the social learning of eating.
o The response must also address “how the learner was influenced by the way in which the mode (i.e. person(s) whom the learner observed) was somehow similar to the learner.