Then & Now Unit 2.2a
- Due Sep 19, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box
Read Unit 2 : Chapter 2 Links to an external site. in the Then and Now text before starting this assignment.
Chapter 2 describes the study by Quiroga et al. (2005) and the “Halle Berry neuron” they discussed. Suppose that the person possessing this neuron was presented with the words “Best Actress Academy Award 2001,” but was not aware that Berry had won this honor; thus, the “Halle Berry neuron” did not respond. After the person was told that Berry had won the award, his “Halle Berry neuron” did respond quite robustly to those same words. Using the concept of top-down processing (also called constructive perception), describe why the change in this neuron’s responding occurred. (Suggested length: 100 words). You should cite at least one source for one of your answers and include that source(s) at the end of your answer in a reference list. Use APA style for your in-text citations and the reference list. You may cite the target articles described in either chapter, other articles cited in those chapters, or outside sources such as textbooks. Type your response below.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
Student Addresses the Question Asked
Spelling, Grammar, Syntax, & Flow
APA Style
Total Points:
out of 10