Assignment - Inserting & Modifying Graphics
- Due Mar 14, 2021 by 12:59am
- Points 15
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Mar 7, 2021 at 12am - Mar 16, 2021 at 11:59pm
In this assignment, you will be asked to practice some of the skills you learned in the Inserting and Modifying Graphics reading. I encourage you to thoroughly read the assigned reading prior to attempting this assignment. Once you have read the assigned reading, please complete the following steps:
- Open PowerPoint
- Create a new presentation; you can select from any of the templates or themes
- Add your name to the title slide
- On the second slide, insert a picture using the "Online Pictures" option
- Search for a picture of Oklahoma
- Once you find a suitable picture, select it and add to the second slide
- Add new, but different pictures of Oklahoma for slides 3, 4 and 5
- Change the sizes and picture styles for each of your four photos; have fun with this; the only requirement is that the styles and formatting are different
- Save the file as "Your Last Name".pptx
- Submit the file below
How it is Graded
You will earn the full 15 points if you turn the assignment in by 11:59 PM on the due date, and if your submission contains all of the required components of the assignment. I will take off 3 points for each missing piece of the assignment:
- Title slide with your name
- Slide 2 picture with unique formatting
- Slide 3 picture with unique formatting
- Slide 4 picture with unique formatting
- Slide 5 picture with unique formatting
Additionally, I will take off 10% (1.5 points) for each day the assignment is late.