Cengage E-Book Link


The E-Book link option is only for students that have purchased a Cengage Access Code for another course this semester. If you do not already have a Cengage Unlimited access code do NOT buy one for this course. Buy or Rent a physical text book.

For students that already have an access code:

1. Please make sure you set up your Cengage account if you are a first time user of Cengage.

2. There is a link provided at the begging of each weeks module. Please use this link to access the chapter that we will be covering.

3. Do not complete any work in Cengage. I will not look at any assignments that are completed in Cengage. The only work that will be graded is in Canvas.

4. Once in Cengage, if you are not taken to the correct chapter, there is a toolbar on the right side of the screen. The blue text book is what you will click on. Once it is open you will chick on the chapters button in the top left to find the desired chapter.


Please email me with any questions or troubles you may have.


Mrs. Adney