All Courses
PSYC-1113-71110 Introductory Psychology (S)
Principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology.
PSYC-1113-61660 Introductory Psychology (S)
Principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology.
CS-3353-23334 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis I
Storage, structures, data and information structures, list processing, trees and tree processing, graphs and graph processing, searching, and sorting. Previously offered as CS 4343 and CS 4344. Prerequisite(s): CS 2133, and CS 3653 or (MATH 3613 and MATH 4663), each with a grade of "C" or better.
CIED-4213-28536 Introduction to Visual Arts in the Curriculum
Provides an understanding of the theoretical basis for the use of art activities in developing sensory perception and aesthetic sensitivity as an integral part of the curriculum. Includes a wide range of opportunities for student involvement in experimentation and exploration with a variety of two- and three-dimensional art media. Emphasis on both creative expression and appreciation of the visual arts in the home, school and community as a vital aspect of instruction in the school, preschool level through grade eight. May not be used for degree credit with CIED 5350.
CIED-4233-30032 Literacy Assessment and Instruction
Selection, administration, and interpretation of a variety of formal and informal literacy assessments. Use of assessment results to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction for diverse learners within an assessment/evaluation/instruction cycle. Tutoring practicum is required. Prerequisite(s): CIED 3293 and CIED 3253.
PSYC-1113-31026 Introductory Psychology (S)
Principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology.
PSYC-1113-21327 Introductory Psychology (S)
Principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology.
PSYC-1113-21329 Introductory Psychology (S)
Principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology.