Okvip Alliance Group: General overview and development vision

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Okvip Lien Minh Group is one of the business corporations established in Vietnam. With the mission of becoming one of the leading corporations in the business field, Okvip Alliance has continuously operated and developed over the past 10 years. Let's OKVIP find out through the following article.

Business model of Okvip Alliance Group

Business model of Okvip Alliance Group

Diversify business fields

One of the important factors that helps Okvip Alliance Group achieve success is the diversification of business fields. This group does not only focus on a single field, but has invested and operated in many different fields such as real estate, e-commerce, information technology, tourism services, education, healthcare, agriculture, food,...

This helps Okvip Alliance Group to develop strongly and stably in all economic situations. When one sector faces difficulties, other sectors can still maintain operations and bring profits to the corporation.

Invest in emerging businesses

Okvip Lien Minh Group also uses the strategy of investing in emerging businesses to expand its business network and develop new fields. By creating partner alliances with potential businesses, this group can learn a lot of new knowledge and experience, thereby improving operational efficiency and enhancing competitiveness.

Cooperate with reputable partners

To create effective cooperation and help expand the business network, Okvip Alliance Group has selected reputable and highly specialized partners in different fields. Thanks to that, the group always has a supply of high quality goods and services, meeting customer needs and achieving business goals.

Furthermore, cooperation with reputable partners also helps Okvip Lien Minh Group obtain creative ideas and new solutions, enhancing innovation and competitiveness in the market.

Sustainable development strategy of Okvip Alliance Group

Sustainable development strategy of Okvip Alliance Group

Invest in research and development

One of the important factors that helps Okvip Alliance Group maintain success and sustainability is investment in research and development. This group always spends a large part of its budget to research and develop new products and services to meet market needs and access new trends.

Investing in research and development not only helps the corporation provide high quality products and services, but also helps create a difference and create competitiveness in the market. This helps Luan Minh Okvip Group survive and develop in today's increasingly competitive business environment.

See more: https://okvipmedia1.tv/

Pay attention to human resource development

Human resources are one of the important factors that enable a corporation to develop sustainably. Okvip Lien Minh Group has focused on human resource development by training and improving the qualifications of its employees. This helps the group have a team of employees with highly specialized skills and knowledge, thereby creating efficiency in work and meeting customer requirements.

Committed to social responsibility

To achieve sustainable development, Okvip Alliance Group not only cares about business goals but also commits to and implements social responsibility. This group has been carrying out many meaningful activities to support and help the community, while creating a better living environment for surrounding people.


Over the years, Okvip Alliance Group has achieved many successes and strong development in the business field. By diversifying business areas, investing in emerging businesses, collaborating with reputable partners, and focusing on research and development.

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